
DURYSTA™ – Bimantoprost Injectable Implant in Evansville Indiana

Durysta Bimantoprost Size EvansvilleDURYSTA™ – Bimantoprost Injectable in Evansville Indiana


Among the first in the nation and the first in Evansville, Indiana, a novel treatment modality is implemented by Dr. David Malitz at the Ohio Valley Eye Institute.  DURYSTA™  is a proven class of medication delivered in a novel fashion to the eye for a sustained duration of at least 4 months.   If eye drops are just one more thing on your plate

  • to see your doctor for,
  • update your prescription,
  • go to the pharmacy or field robocalls from your online pharmacy
  • fill your prescription,
  • check your insurance coverage,
  • pay for,
  • aim for and hit your in your eye
  • struggle with possible diminished hand-eye coordination,
  • arthritis and tremors ,
  • sustain topical side effects, remember to use….

You may be a candidate for the newest FDA approved treatment option for Open Angle Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension to lower your intraocular pressure up to 33%.  And yes, it is generally covered by your insurance (including medicare) and can give you months of a respite from the hassle of daily drops.  Just call for an evaluation 812-421-2020, the procedure takes less than 5 minutes!

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