
Allergic Conjunctivitis

The hallmark of Allergic Conjunctivitis is itching.  This can be accompanied by redness and a watery discharge from the eyes or nose.  Sneezing is also possible.  Allergic Conjunctivitis can be caused by environmental stimuli like pollen, poison ivy or sumac or animal dander or fur or medications. 

The treatment is avoidance of the allergen.   If this is not possible, there are multiple treatment alternatives.   Newer medications, both prescription and non prescription can be of help.  We are fond of Zaditor for a non Rx or OTC medication.   For Rx medications, Pataday can give all day relief and the relief can be almost instantaneous.  In severe cases, topical or oral steroids may be necessary.  Sometimes the treatment is worse than the disease. If the patient is allergic to the medication or any component of the medication an appearance such as the picture above may develop. The medication used was Zylet. Zylet is a combination of an aminoglycoside antibiotic and a designer steroid. The aminoglycoside can be sensitizing causing a local reaction or a contact dermatitis. You will note that only one eye was treated and the eyelid is swollen, red and the skin is flaking. The treatment is to remove the offending agent (in this case the drops) and use cold compresses or steroids by themselves.