
Acne and Other Scar Mitigation

Acne and Other Scar Mitigation and Removal

Chances are good, you arrived here as you may have a cosmetically bothersome scar.  Scars on the face can be the most troublesome.  They are often caused by acne but any trauma, infection, inflammation or insult can result in a scar.   Typically Hypertrophic / Elevated scars respond most favorably to our CO2 LASER.   With the laser, we can sculpt the ridges and hills.  The valleys are more problematic but can sometimes be addressed with fillers or needling.


We have a CO2 laser in our office for these treatments and have performed CO2 laser treatments for years.  Some patients need several treatments and the treatment is likely to improve the appearance of the scarring but WILL NOT ELIMINATE scarring. If you are interested in a treatment, plan on some discomfort, it can be done with IV sedation in our Surgery Center.   The skin will ooze for several days, and you will need to take medication to optimize healing and minimize risk of complications.   Your skin will be red for weeks to months.  You can likely apply make-up at at 7-10 days if desired.   A green-based make-up will minimize the redness.

The laser also reduces pigmentary changes and wrinkles and is often done for wrinkles / ageing skin.

Call 812-421-2020 and ask for Michele for more details.

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